The Paul Matthews Central Website
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Artelex no longer trading-
archived site only
Public Address Systems.. Serving
Sydney schools since 1992.
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Scroll down & Select Please..
Still involved in this one. Its the only group thats "going anywhere".
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An Archived site produced in 1998
about Clothing Optional existence.
If you aren't interested, don't go there.
An archived site featuring the last Red Rattler that ran in Sydney.
Why is Artelex no longer trading? Because at
Au $0.99c in the American Greenback, there
now is no longer a film industry in Sydney. The
computer revoloution of virtual sets has alot
to do with it too. Oh well, good while it lasted.
Click HERE for the new FILE DOWNLOAD page
High quality ARTELEX video files on a very slow
128kb/s link. You will need to be patient while you
download the files.